Since starting my PhD I have not updated this blog with the regularity I was planning. From this day forward I vow to maintain this blog and post something topical at least once per week.
I plan to try and broadcast on some of the general themes that crop up in my life as a PhD student, without always focusing on the research. The nature of the day to day business of research as a postgraduate is not glamorous, and as a result I feel this might not necessarily be the most interesting thing to write about. However I shall endeavour to communicate aspects of this as well.
This is not just from a selfish viewpoint - because I wish to try and explain my research for a slightly more general audience, to benefit my skills of communication - but because of the imperative, as postgraduate researchers, to give something back.
Most research in the UK is funded by research councils such as the BBSRC, EPSRC, NERC and the AHRC, which are themselves funded through general taxation. You could argue that the act of 'doing' research justifies the funding, in that you are furthering the UK science base and contributing towards the output of an institution. However, in my opinion, it is fair to say that as researchers we should be doing more to let the public know exactly what we are doing with money from the taxpayer's purse.
I shall try and shine a light on my very small part of the world, and just see where it takes me.
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